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All The Ways Bed Bugs Get Into Pompano Beach Homes

a bed bug crawling on a bed

Bed bugs have ruined many a night’s sleep for people all over the world. These common invasive parasites infest beds, furniture, and clothing items, lying in wait for unsuspecting people and animals to fall asleep and grant them access to the blood pumping beneath the skin. Learning how to avoid them is important for your health.

Bed Bugs Explained

Bed bugs aren’t flying insects or foragers like most other common invasive pests are. They don’t move very quickly and they don’t jump, contrary to popular belief. That’s why bed bugs tend to stay out of sight until nighttime when they can have unfettered access to feedings. Here’s how you can spot them and where to look:

  • Size: Bed bugs are incredibly small, usually no bigger than an apple seed. They are often brown or reddish, making them easier to spot on light surfaces but nearly impossible to see hiding in dark fabrics.

  • Eggs: Bed bug eggs are tiny, peppery black flakes that don’t look much like the “egg” that comes to mind when you think of the word. The dusty, black eggs are often found on the undersides of cushions or within dark folds of cloth.

  • Nests: Bed bugs hide during the day and feed at night, so they aren’t likely to be seen crawling around during the light hours. As such, you should check hard-to-reach areas and undersides of cushions and upholstery.

How Do Bed Bugs Get Inside?

Because they aren’t very mobile creatures, bed bugs are hitchhikers. They allow their animal hosts to do all the work of transporting them from place to place. As such, people and beds can come into contact with bed bugs in a range of different places:

  • Beds & Furniture: Bed bugs can be carried in on infested items, including second-hand furniture or cushion covers.

  • Clothing: Bed bugs don’t just hide inside of mattresses. Clothing can get infested, too, and the pests will hide in folds of fabric nearly wherever they can be found.

  • Public Places: Transportation hubs, libraries, schools, and hospitals are all common places to encounter bed bugs. When we run into the pests here, they can hitch a ride back to your home.

How To Avoid Bed Bugs?

Since so many different items can be carriers of bed bugs, it pays to know what you can do to avoid contact with them:

  • Smart Purchases: When buying used or second-hand items, inspect them thoroughly and clean them even more thoroughly before bringing them inside. Don’t just look for bugs, but their dusty black eggs, too.

  • Bags & Luggage: Keep your bags off of the ground, especially in public places with high traffic. This will prevent them from becoming contaminated with tiny insects.

  • Clothing: After traveling in public places or outdoors, where bed bugs can lie in wait and cling to a pant leg or coattail, it’s important to change clothes before sitting down on the furniture. Never get into your bed wearing your day clothes, as this makes it easy for tiny bugs to hop off and nest.

Professional Protection From Pest-Aside, Inc.

With such tiny, hard-to-spot pests, getting rid of bed bugs can seem like an impossible task. Not only can it be incredibly tough to spot the signs of a bed bug infestation but at-home solutions might not completely eradicate bed bugs and their eggs. Often after you think you've won the battle against bed bugs they just come right back. Instead of sweating the small stuff, contact your local pest professionals at Pest-Aside, Inc. where our experts can provide you with even more bed bug prevention tips. If an infestation is already forming, or if you want an inspection to determine your level of risk, our friendly staff can assist you.

Don’t let your rest and peace of mind be ruined by tiny parasitic bed bugs, contact the professionals for proven and complete control.